Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm still without a sewing machine. I'm pretty sure the circuit board in the pedal is blown because when we tested it with Jonathan's multimeter it doesn't register any volts or amps. This would explain why the rest of the sewing machine gets power except the motor. A new pedal for my machine costs $50-$65. That seems a little steep to me. The salesman I asked told me that it might not be worth it because whatever made the first one short out could cause problems with a new one. He could have just been trying to get me to buy a new machine though.

I borrowed my friend's machine and I've never had so much fun in my life! She has a really nice Janome that's computerized. It had two different alphabets on it and a huge variety of stitch patterns that you could program however you wanted. It is worth nearly 3 times as much as I paid for my first car (granted my car was only $500, but still!). Unfortunately I don't have that kind of money to spend on a sewing machine...even though that thing was a dream! I still wasn't able to finish the baby shower gift though because she couldn't find her embroidery foot.

I decided that a new machine is out of the question for now with a new baby coming soon and everything. So I'm scouring the classifieds and Craigslist to see if I can find a good used one. Any suggestions? If that doesn't work I'll probably end up getting a new pedal for mine. Hopefully I'm back to sewing (and posting) again soon.

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